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Jesse Owens, Act One



Set in Alabama around 1920 Jesse is introduced as a boy on the share-cropping farm of his parents. Life is hard for them and they sing of the difficulties that they have in working the farm. A local African American preacher takes a church service for the family and further events from Jesse's childhood are sung as counter-melodies to the main service. In the background, offstage, can be heard fragments of a white Christian church service, and the side drum and whistles of a white parade preparing to march. The Bonnie Blue flag introduces a menacing sequence where the African American preacher is set upon and lynched by the Ku Klux Klan. The Owens family respond to the murder and decide to move to Ohio.




A short, 'running' motif in the strings opens the opera (listen here); this is followed by a section which has enough edge to remind the listener of the troubled times in the world (1914-18). But the overall feel is lively, not least from the use of a fragment of blues from W.C. Handy which is spread across the brass. (You can hear the original here.) The chorus announce Jesse at the close of the overture.


Alabama about 1920, a farm shack and tree


Scene 1: Introduction




Where's Jesse? Jesse! Jesse!


Wait till I get hold of that boy… He'll know it good


Lord, give me strength. Where's that child?


Where that damn boy's gone to? He sure ain't been to school again.


Henry, you got to talk to him For his own good. He's running wild.


I'll get me my belt.


Jesse, take care, run and hide.
The cotton fields stretch far and wide.


Boy Jesse 
I am running, I'm running free, Ma,
Catching cotton flying high.


Go, Jesse, go!


Boy Jesse 
My feets on fire, Ma.


Go, Jesse, go!


Boy Jesse 
I'm free as a bird


Run Jesse, run for your life.


Let me get my hands on that boy.


Easier said than done,
Not the way Jesse runs..


I'll tan his little butt.


Don't be too hard. Jesse, Jesse.


You won't tan him
You'll never catch him,
He's too fast for your belt.


I couldn't catch him,
He's gone running like crazy again.


Jesse, Jesse.


Chorus (like children in a playground)
Told you so,
We told you so,
Jesse's too fast,
You're too slow.


Scene 2: Home


Old Jesse 
Thirty years sharecropping
And what he got to show


Middle-aged Jesse 
Nothing but the mule he riding


Middle-aged and Old Jesse 
And now the mule moves kinda slow


Middle-aged Jesse 
Sharecropping is all my papa knew
And for better or for worse
His earthly possessions are few


Old Jesse 
His earthly possessions are few


I work this cursed land
But I can't make it pay


Emma and Henry 
O Lord, We can't make it pay


Ain't no way to earn a crust, 
Surviving day to day


Emma and Henry 
O Lord, We can't make it pay


I work hard for my kids,
Slaving I would say,


Emma and Henry 
O Lord, help us, 
We can't make it pay


Can't put food on their plates,
wish I could run away


Emma and Chorus 
Wish I could run away


Old Jesse 
Thirty years sharecropping
And what he got to show


Middle-aged Jesse 
Nothing but them tatty clothes


Middle-aged and Old Jesse 
To shield him from the sun and snow


Middle-aged Jesse 

Sharecropping is all my papa knew
And for better or for worse
His earthly possessions are few


Old Jesse 
His earthly possessions are few


Can't seem to find no peace


Emma and Henry 
As we struggle on our way


I'll ask my maker why on Judgement Day


Scene 3: Church




Brothers and sisters, Hell is God's chain gang




The flames will be torment as long as God lives


Emma, Ruth, Chorus 
Oh yeah


Now I wanna talk to young people this morning from the fourteenth book of John


Emma, Ruth, Chorus 
Amen/Oh yeah


The second verse when Jesus said let not your heart be troubled


Emma, Ruth, Chorus 
Oh yeah/OK


Ye that believeth in God believeth in me also


Emma, Ruth, Chorus 
Oh have mercy


In my Father's house are many mansions


Emma, Ruth, Chorus 
Oh yeah?


If it was not so, I would have told you


Emma, Ruth, Chorus 
Oh yeah?


I'm going to prepare a place for you


Emma, Ruth, Chorus 
Oh yeah?


And if I go and prepare this place for you, I am comin' again


Emma, Ruth, Chorus 
Oh yeah


And will receive you under myself


Emma, Ruth, Chorus 
Oh Jesus


Let's sing


Preacher, Emma, Ruth, Boy, Athlete Jesse, Henry, Female Chorus 

(with honky tonk/out of tune piano)
I say Hell ain't got no bottom
Some say Hell ain't got no bottom
Some say Hell ain't got no bottom
When my soul is moving along


Can't you...
Give those gamblers a hiding
Can't you give those gamblers a hiding
Can't you give those gamblers a hiding
When my soul is moving along


(sung with Give those gambler's a hidin')


Old Jesse 
Grandpa was a slave


Boy and Athlete Jesse 
And Granma,


Old Jesse 
My folks they sharecropped,


Athlete and Old Jesse 
Half to the owners,


Old Jesse 
Ain't a fair exchange


Middle-aged Jesse 
God, that shack was hot


He says…


Preacher, Emma, Ruth, Boy, Athlete Jesse, Henry, Female Chorus 
How I'm gonna hear my Lord a callin'
He says how I'm gonna hear my Lord a callin'
He says how I'm gonna hear my Lord a callin
Oh my soul is moving along


(sung with How I'm gonna hear my Lord a callin')


Athlete and Old Jesse 
I was a sickly child, the devil's cold


Boy, Athlete and Old Jesse 
The devil nearly took me


Emma, Boy and Middle-aged Jesse 
God that shack was cold


Preacher, Chorus 
Are you...


Preacher, Emma, Ruth, Boy, Athlete, Henry and Female Chorus 
Hanging in the fire
Are you hanging in the fire
Are you hanging in the fire
Oh my soul is moving along


(sung with Are you hanging in the fire)


Heat up the knife dear.


Hold him


I'll hold him.


The boils are near the heart


Boy and Athlete Jesse 
Was my leg


Old Jesse 
My heart


He'll bleed to death


We've got to take that chance


Boy, Athlete and Middle-aged Jesse 
Oh my soul is moving along


Female Chorus (off-stage)
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty


Boy Jesse 
What's that, Mama?


Ssh, it's the white church


Let the church roll on my Lord
Let the church move on my Lord
Let the church roll on my Lord
Let the church roll on.

Every heathen in the church, my Lord
And it won't do right, my Lord
Join them up, my Lord
Let the church roll on.


Female Chorus (off-stage)
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty


Boy Jesse 
There it is again


Don't you worry yourself


Female Chorus (off-stage, against I got shoes) 
Early in the morning my song shall rise to thee


I got shoes


Henry and all Jesses 
You got shoes


Preacher and all Jesses 
All God's children got shoes


Good Lordy


Preacher, all Jesses 
When I get to heaven gonna put on my shoes
I'm gonna walk all over God's heaven




Preacher and all Jesses 




Preacher and all Jesses 


In the kingdom


Preacher and all Jesses 
Everybody talking 'bout heaven ain't going there heaven




Preacher and all Jesses 




Preacher, Henry and all Jesses 
Gonna walk all over God's heaven


Let the church roll on


Ruth, Emma, all Jesses and Full Chorus (off-stage, increasing in volume
My lord


Let the church roll on


Ruth, Emma, all Jesses and Full Chorus 
My Lord


Let the church roll on


Ruth, Emma, all Jesses and Full Chorus 
My Lord


Preacher, Ruth, Emma, all Jesses and Full Chorus 
Let the church roll on


Hypocrite in the church


Ruth, Emma, all Jesses and Full Chorus 
My Lord


Now that ain't right


Ruth, Emma, all Jesses and Full Chorus 
My Lord


Well what you gonna do?


Old Jesse 
Have him up, turn him out


Preacher, Ruth, Emma, all Jesses and Full Chorus 
And let the church roll on


Let the church roll on


Ruth, Emma, all Jesses and Full Chorus 
My Lord


Let the church roll on


Ruth, Emma, all Jesses and Full Chorus 
My Lord


Let the church roll on


Ruth, Emma, all Jesses and Full Chorus 
My Lord


Preacher, Ruth, Emma, all Jesses and Full Chorus 
Let the church roll on.


Preacher, Emma and all Jesses 
Let the church roll on


Preacher and Boy Jesse 
Let the church roll on


Emma, Athlete, Middle-aged and Old Jesse 
Let us pray


(leaving church)


Athlete Jesse 
Have you heard 'bout Unclue Clarence...


Boy Jesse 
Didn't take shit from no-one,


Middle-aged Jesse 
Wash your mouth out


Boy and Athlete Jesse 
... his latest story is one of the best


Middle-aged Jesse 
You mean the tallest yet


Athlete Jesse 
Ain't no word of a lie, went up to the white man's house


Boy Jesse 
The one with the mad bulldog


Athlete Jesse 
Come on in, said the white man ...


Middle-aged Jesse 
Not a good idea


Athlete Jesse 
... the dog's wired.


Boy Jesse 
Hurry up, tell us, what happened?


Athlete Jesse 
You sure that damn dog is fenced in? Oh yeah, it's quite safe, come on in.


Boy Jesse 
Come on, come on in


Middle-aged Jesse 
He shouldn't, I wouldn't


Athlete Jesse 
Clarence went in. The dog run up ...


Boy Jesse 
I knew it would


Athlete Jesse 
... all froth and spit.


Boy and Middle-aged Jesse 
Did it bite him? Then what, was he scared, hurry it up


Athlete Jesse 
Clarence picked up the white man, swung him round, beat the dog with his feet, a shoe fell off


Boy Jesse 
Oh yeah, I wasn't born yesterday


Athlete Jesse 
Ain't no word of a lie, Clarence just knocked that dog down a goin and a comin.


Middle-aged Jesse 
OK, let's get on back


Boy Jesse 
You can't think I'd swallow that. I'm not that dumb, no way.


Scene 4: The Klan


Chorus (sung to The Bonnie Blue Flag)
We are a band of brothers,
And native to the soil
Fighting for the property we gained by honest toil,
And when our rights were threatened,
The cry rose near and far
Hurrah for the bonnie blue flag
That bears a single star!
Hurrah, hurrah, for Southern right hurrah,
Hurrah for the bonnie blue flat that bears a single star


Male Chorus 

We are the ghosts of Confederate soldiers
We are the Knights of the White Camelia
Shots into houses
The Iron-Clad Oath
Chasing through woods
The Damnesty Oath
Weekly assaults
The White League
Leave the bodies in the road
The Red Shirts


Full Chorus 
Hunting the game
Ours is a promised land


Old Jesse 
I remember the fear in my family,
My father was a nervous man
Grandparents spoke of bad times,
But they was still around.
The Klan casting its shadow
Even on our daydreams.


Middle-aged Jesse 
Stories, the tree (cross), swinging in the wind, 
I was too little for knowing,


Old Jesse 
But not too little for fright. A good reason for running.


Middle-aged Jesse 
A good reason for running fast.


Female Chorus 
We believe in the Brotherhood of God, 
The brotherhood of Jesus Christ,
And the eternal tenets of the Christian religion
As practiced by enlightened Protestant churches.

We believe in the American home
As the foundation upon which rests secure the American Republic,
The future of its institutions,
And the liberties of its citizens.


Swing low, sweet chariot,
Ye that believeth in God, believeth in me.


Female Chorus 
We believe the Stars and Stripes the most beautiful flag on earth, 
Symbolising the purity of race,
The blood of martyrs,
And the fidelity of patriots.


Swing low, sweet chariot,
The flames will be torment as long as God lives


Full Chorus 
We believe that the current of pure American blood
Must be kept uncontaminated by mongrel strains
And protected from racial pollution.


First Male 
Listen to them nigger songs.


Who's there?


Female Chorus 
We believe that the perpetuity of our nation
Rests upon the solidarity and perpetuity of our native-born
White, Gentile, Protestant men and women.


Swing low, coming for to carry me home


First Male 
Listen to them old coon songs, swing high


Second Male 
We told you to clear out of here,


Get your hands off


First and Second Male 
We thought we told you, clear out


When I'm ready


First and Second Male 
Too late


Full Chorus 
It's too late


Leave me alone,
I ain't done nothing,
You got no right.
I'm doing the Lord's work


Second Male 
So are we, boy.


First Male and Chorus 
Look what we got


Second Male and Chorus 
Just listen to the uppity nigger.


First Male 
What's the matter, eh, boy,
Not so uppity now are we boy.


First and Second Male and Chorus 
Look what we got


I'm on my way, sir, I swear, yes sir, I'm going, just like you telled me.


First and Second Male and Chorus 
Liar! Bastard! Shit! Look what we got


First Male 
That's enough boys.


I know you, Tom Flint ain't it , do you remember, I helped your son plough his field last year. Please Mister Flint, I'm going sir, I just needed a little more time


Second Male and Chorus (holding the preacher's face almost tenderly
Hush, hush now, didn't we tell you,
No second chance?


Yes, you did, sir, yes, you did. Please sir.


Second Male 
Didn't we tell you, no second chance?


First Male 
We told you to clear out but you're still here


First and Second Male 
We ain't going to tell you again


I'm going, I'm on my way


Second Male and Chorus 
We ain't gonna tell you again now,
Are we boys?


Sure ain't!


Oh yes sir, I don't need telling twice, I'm going.


First Male 
But you're still here boy,
Getting all them others
Uppity and fired up.
Why just the other day one said he weren't paid enough.
We can't have that can we boy?


Oh Lord, sweet Jesus


We can't have that


Second Male 
Answer the man, boy!


First Male 
Answer me boy


Oh Lord, wash my soul clean, I ask you,


Bass Chorus 
He ain't gonna answer no-one now


First Male 
Answer me, boy


Second Male 
Answer the man, boy


Please Lord, forgive them their sins

Bass Chorus 
We are the Knights of the Red Camelia


First Male and Tenor Chorus 
What do you reckon Tom, He's lost his senses?


Bass Chorus 
The iron clad fist, The Damnesty Oath, the White League,


Female Chorus 
He's lost his senses


First Male and Male Chorus 
I reckon we got a lynching.


First and Second Male and Chorus 
We've got a lynching


Full Chorus 
You'll be swinging real sweet.
We're gonna make you swing real high
So high that you'll need no chariot .

Lord have mercy! Lord have mercy!


What you on about, Emma? You looks like something real bad happen.


Preacher! Preacher Samuels
They done strung up Preacher from a tree.


That good old Baptist man.
Didn't want him preaching to us black folk.
Feel he was putting ideas in our souls.


Felt like my own heart was hanging
When I got the news ...


Lamentations hang from the trees.
Hooded vengeance speaks.
They can hang the messenger high
But the message never dies.


Poor preacher


Boy Jesse 
Preacher gone to heaven mama?


Old Jesse 
I remember, the talk of moving away...


What chance have we got, this ain't no place to raise a family


What you saying Mary Owens


Old Jesse 
My father was a nervous man.
My mother showed great courage ...


I say it's time to go, leave Alabama for Ohio


Hang on to yo horses, you moving too fast for me


Old Jesse 
The life was so hard


Middle-aged Jesse 
So hard, they talked of leaving, 
Starting a new life, away from the hangings,


Old Jesse 
Our neighbours did it themselves.


Middle-aged Jesse 
A good reason for moving.


What I be doing in Ohio. This place is still home, how I gonna start all over


But not for me, I say we pack up and head north


Boy Jesse 
I've never been from the farm before. Where we going? Ma, where we going?


Middle-aged Jesse 
I had never been away before


You tell 'em, Emma, it's your idea


J.C., go and run the mule to Mr. Clannon's, don't dawdle


How I gonna start all over, in some cold north city? I ain't as young as I used to be.


Sylvester, you get the tools and go with J.C. 
Girls, we'll wash this house down
'Cause I don't leave no dirty house
For someone else to live in.
Think big Henry, that's what life's about.



Tie your belongings, boys,
We've gotta be out by sundown.


Boy Jesse 
But where're we gonna go, Momma?


We're goin' on a train, J.C.


Boy Jesse 
And where's the train gonna take us, Momma?


J.C., you are the one, more questions than you got answers, 
It's gonna take us to a better life.

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